Have you ever wanted to manage an online course, but didn’t know where to begin? Enter Moodle, one of the world’s leading open-source learning management systems (LMS). In this course, instructor Oliver Schinkten shows you how to use Moodle to develop, teach, and manage online courses. Discover how to create a course and manage course resources and classroom activities in the latest version of Moodle. Customize your profile and notification settings in a way that fits your teaching style. Learn about how to add students, collect assignments, quiz students, grade papers, and increase student-to-student and student-to-teacher communication. As your classroom goes online, becoming more and more interconnected, you want a trusted LMS that works to the fullest advantage of your students. Find out how Moodle can help you organize and optimize the online learning experience.
Deze cursus is enkel beschikbaar in het Engels. Als dit voor u geen probleem vormt, dien dan gerust uw aanvraag in.
This course is in French only. If this is not a problem for you, by all means go ahead and apply.